Medical Assistant Salaries in Delaware

With a projected 5% job growth rate between 2019 and 2021, Delaware’s medical assistants are looking forward to a bright future, complete with plenty of professional opportunities.

According to the Delaware Department of Labor, there were 2,610 medical assistants working in the state in 2019; by 2021 another 150 are expected to join their ranks. That’s a lot of new hires in a two-year period. But even that doesn’t come close to keeping up with demand when you factor in MAs who will be retiring or moving into other positions. There’s lots of room here for aspiring medical assistants to make their mark on the profession, as the Department of Labor projects about 360 annual job openings.

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The average hourly wage for medical assistants in Delaware was $16.34, or $34,000 annually, as of May 2019, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Medical assistants who have honed their skills through plenty of on-the-job experience and have shown a commitment to the profession by earning professional certification are among the top earners here, making $22.77 an hour, or $47,360 a year during this time.

Average Hourly Wages for Medical Assistants in Delaware’s Metro Areas

Medical assistants in Dover, who are part of the larger metro area that includes the Philadelphia, PA and Camden, NJ metro areas, earned an hourly rate that beat out even Dover.

The following BLS stats indicate what medical assistants in the median – top 10% hourly wage range are earning in Delaware’s largest metro areas:

  • Wilmington (part of the larger metro area that includes Philadelphia, PA and Camden, NJ): $16.93 – $22.54 (approximately 15,360 medical assistants)
  • Dover: $14.68 – $18.45 (approximately 410 medical assistants)

Average Salaries for Medical Assistants in Delaware’s Metro Areas

According to the BLS, medical assistants in the median – top 10% salary range in Delaware’s largest metro areas are earning the following on a yearly basis:

  • Wilmington (part of the larger metro area that includes Philadelphia, PA and Camden, NJ): $35,200 – $46,890
  • Dover: $ 30,530 – $38,380


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US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for medical assistants represents state data not school-specific information.

2019 job growth projections from the Delaware Department of Labor are aggregated through the U.S. Department of Labor-Sponsored resource, Projections Central.

Conditions in your area may vary. 

All salary and employment data accessed June 2020.